
Saturday, June 6, 2009

On Vacation

Vacation time! Whenever I see my trusty black travel purse, my heart starts to flutter. Almost every vacation shot of me over the last three years has this purse. My vacations could be titled: Black Bag Travels!

We are spending a month in Europe. I'm hoping to spend time in private and public gardens in the south of England during the first week while visiting friends. I have my camera and journal to document my observations. This information will help me continue with my "reading a garden" series- part 2 hopefully. The middle two weeks will be spent on a Baltic Cruise and the final week we will see friends in Germany who live in a small village about a half hour from Frankfurt. Lots of posts coming up from these experiences once I get home on July 7. Whenever I can get computer access I will post a short update during the trip.


  1. Thank Mike. I'll be missing my blogging friends.

  2. Eagerly awaiting your posts about the trip. I will be going there through your posts without going there. Thanks in advance. Have a nice trip.

  3. Sorry for the mispelling Miki. Mike is my brother!

  4. Sounds great! While you're in the South of England, will you have a chance to visit the Nymans Garden? There's a close connection to the Birr Castle Demesne there (Anne Messel of the Garden's family was the current Lord Rosse's mother, and she and the sixth Earl of Rosse did much to enrich the Nymans collection.)

  5. Sheerwood, You're a fountain of knowledge. I'm very interested in this information and I plan to see if it is possible to get there. We're going to be there one day less now because we missed the flight tonight. I had the time confused! With the travelling we've done I can't believe this happened! Meant to be for some reason.

  6. Well, then, let's hope you're too busy traveling to read this!

    However, if you're not, here's a little connection between Birr and Nymans. Selfishly, I really hope you do get to visit the Nymans gardens and take some impressions back here with you -- I doubt that Diane and I will get the chance.

  7. How exciting....keep us posted when you can...enjoy!

  8. Margaret, I know you'll come back with great stories and pix... have a wonderful time on your trip!

  9. Have a fantastic trip Margaret. Hope Europe shows itself from its most wonderful side!

  10. 3 weeks left...hows it going :)

  11. Hope you have a wonderful vacation. I can understand the part about the bag though..

    when it comes to travelling, a bag that is suitable to keep stuff and retrieve things quickly will be most helpful. Not those pretty cute things.

    One Day at a Time


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