
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Silver thaw

I seem to have an attraction to metallic paints this year. At the recent encaustic workshop where we used R and F encaustic, I was drawn to the these encaustic colours:

Pearl Encaustic, R & F Paints

Silver Encaustic, R & F Paints

German Silver Encaustic, R and F Paints

My favourite was pearl. It really did have the look of crushed pearls. It is great used alone but you can also use it with other encaustic colours to make iridescent colours.

I would like to say that I had a well thought out idea for the work below, but the truth is I just wanted to use these three colours. As I gathered my materials and began to work an idea formed. The colours made me think of silver thaw, a weather condition that we are all to familiar with in spring in Newfoundland and away I went.

Silver Thaw (8 x 10) metal mesh, paper, encaustic on board


  1. I have the iridescent copper and R and F...beautiful. This pearl is outstanding.

  2. I used the copper and bronze on another piece which was not quite so successful. I'm still working on it.

  3. It is all so gorgeous. Hope you've been well, Margaret.

  4. interesting.. I did not know they made encaustics in these metallic colors-- very unique way to use them.


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