
Saturday, October 17, 2009


I am enjoying a new blog, Tackad, that I found through Art Propelled, another favourite blog of mine. I highly recommend both blogs. Check both out, you won't be disappointed.

Today I'm focusing on Tackad. This blog is truly a treasure trove of artist sites that have been sorted into various categories. Of course, I love it because the categories are ones I'm very interested in- language based art, text in art, circles/dots etc. I especially liked the most recent post about collage artist Rex Ray and his work. His story is interesting. Check it out on Tackad.


  1. Dangerous for me...I just played an hour over at Tackad! Thanks so much...I have been adding words and letters lately and it was such fun to see other artists doing the same. Robyn at Art Propelled is a joy!

  2. excellent links! i visited both blogs and immediately found a great artist i'd like to feature. thank you!
    have a wonderful sunday margaret =)

  3. Thanks for the mention Margaret. I missed this post while away.

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