
Saturday, August 25, 2012

What an idea

It's creeping closer to September and that means less time at my summer place and more time blogging.  It was a delightful summer in Newfoundland with more sunshine than we've seen in many years and lots of good times.  One of the most exciting events was the opening of a new contemporary art gallery in our little town of Duntara (pop. 70+) where I spend most of my summer.

 View of Duntara from my "street" before Hurricane Igor took many of the sheds on the beach

When I say contemporary don't start having visions of glass and steel. Nothing could be further from the reality. The gallery is in an old home which is just above the red shed on the right of the photo. Catherine Beaudette,  an  artists who has a place up the road from mine, was the mastermind and elbow grease behind this fantastic addition to the area.  The inaugural exhibition took place in July. 

 view of 2 Rooms through John Hofstetter's outside installation

The bottom floor is the gallery space and upstairs is a museum of local artifacts and specimens.

The NL tourist website: describes the venture perfectly.

2 Room Contemporary Art Projects

Temporary on-site installation projects, exhibitions and events, and an on-going museum of material culture in Duntara on the Bonavista Peninsula. Curated exhibitions of contemporary art are on the first floor. A continuing series of experimental museological displays featuring collections of local artifacts and natural specimens are on the second floor. The program reflects the historical, natural and cultural conditions that exist interdependently in Newfoundland's outports.

Take a peek inside in the next post. 


  1. Hi Margaret. That is a great idea! I would love to see that. Where is Duntara? I have never heard of it. You will have to show some of your beautiful work there. And yes it will be nice to see your blogs.
    take care

  2. Well hello, Margaret! This is a great idea that I can hardly wait to see in photos.
    How is life in your part of the world?
    We've had a very short summer due to it not really arriving until the end of July and leaving this week. Oh well, autumn is my favourite season, next to spring, for studio time.
    Oh, yes, I am a Nana now and have another little grand daughter arriving in December!

  3. Very picturesque. Such a beauty of nature.


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