
Monday, August 12, 2013

The tardy painter

Oh, I would love to say the reason I haven't been blogging is because I am in the studio constantly, but nothing could be further from  the truth.  I'm not even painting at my summer house this year and that is a first. The only art related activity I get to report is framing work for a show in October. Does that count?

I have lots of inspiration from my trip to Europe, lots of pics to record the inspiration and lots of time.  Unfortunately no work.  I've come to accept that about myself.  I am a fits and starts painter.  No judgements, no excuses!

 I'm planning a post on interesting framing options I saw in my travels.  One thing I noticed in England was this double framing all in wood and most often soft white.  While this is a floral (artist  name lost and therefore unknown to me), I saw quite a few seascapes framed in this way. What do you think?

 Hubby and I waiting for  our friends.  This is early in the  England portion of our trip (note the white legs) .  Italy improved the colour. 

Any Doc Martin friends out there?   We visited Port Issac (Port Wynn).  What an interesting village!  I'm planning a post on some of the more beautiful sight from the town.  It sure was hilly.

 A fantastic fish light made out of cut tin and wired together.  Easy to do for the adventurous types out there.

Stay tuned for lots of  interesting pics and posts in coming months. 

 Does your art production drop off over the summer months or increase?  I'm curious about the rhythms of other artists.


  1. wish i was there! some day! i have been battling an "artist block" for a couple years, which was why i started learning about other types of artwork, i now do collage mostly, i just can't get motivated to make jewelry and i miss it so much! in the meantime i just keep learning, looking and thru other artists have learned not to be hard on myself! aloha, angi in hana


I welcome comments from you.