
Monday, December 15, 2008

Choosing beauty

When I decided to become an artist, I also made a conscious decision to explore ordinary things that have a precarious beauty often overlooked by many people. My interest in beauty extends to the paintings I create . I want the surfaces to be lush, layered and inviting to touch.

Choosing beauty has caused me more than one moment of angst in the last seven years and, at times, it has led me to feel apologetic about my work. Today I needed to remind myself that how I see the world has value as subject matter.

Something to think about:

Beauty is everywhere, but one may see the beautiful view and the other sees a dirty window. You have the power within you to choose what you see, what you think and what you paint. (Leanne Cadden)

Beauty in things exists in the mind which contemplates them. (David Hume)


  1. Really glad Diane introduced me to your blog - really glad you've chosen this way to share what you're learning and your talent. I'm a blogger too!!
    Great job!

  2. Thanks Kathryn. I'm still in shock that I've figured out how to do this - not that it's that difficult. Lately my quote is..."I don't want to learn anything new, I have no memory space." Not. I can't imagine not pushing yourself to expand your horizons. Diane told me all about Twitter today. That's something else to explore. I hear you're a pro.

  3. hey you changed your profile picture, looks great!
    good post...never apologize for what you think is beautiful.

  4. Ah yes, the many faces of me. I'm standing by a prayer wall near the House of the Virgin located between Ephesus and Seljuk in Turkey. It is believed to be the last residence of the Virgin Mary. Nearing Christmas made me think of it. I'll have to do a post with a close up of the prayer wall which I found quite beautiful in its variety and simplicity.

    This was one of the many fascinating places I visited in 2007.


I welcome comments from you.