- Aa -analyze, arrange, adapt, anticipate, appraise, assume
- Bb - believe
- Cc - create, collaborate, conceptualize, challenge, classify, convert, change, construct, communicate, compile, contrast, choose, compare, critize, crituique
- Dd- distort, describe, develop, design, defend, decide, disect, deduce
- Ee- experiment, extrapolate, extend, examine, express
- Ff- feel, focus, formulate
- Gg- grow
- Hh - hybridize,
- Ii- investigate, imagine, invent, illustrate, infer, incorporate, infividualize, initiate, integrate, interpret,
- Jj-juxtapose, judge, justify
- Kk - know
- Ll- label, list
- Mm-manipulate, modify, minimize
- Nn- negotiate,
- Oo- observe, organize
- Pp-play, predict, produce, plan, propose,prioritize
- Qq- question,
- Rr- repeat, research, rebel, reproduce, restate, relate, rearrange, , revise,
- Ss- synthesize, select, substitute, simplify
- Tt- transfer, transform, theorize
- Uu-use,
- Vv- view, validate,
- Ww- write,
- Xx-
- Yy-
- Zz-
An artist working in mixed media explores the successes, frustrations, questions, connections and inspirations for art making.
Monday, January 19, 2009
What do artists do?
What do artists do? It's interesting how you come up with ideas for posts. I find it's the "one thing leads to another" pattern for prompts. Today's post is the result of cleaning out a stroage closet and not an art one either! I recently found materials from my time as a primary grade teacher. Many activities revolved around brainstorming using the alphabet as a framework. Rather than "What do farmers do?", I thought I would challenge myself with an adult version . I'm sure there's lot more to add, so I'll pass the challenge along to my readers. I think we will be amazed by the actions of artists. Creating art is definitely higher order thinking (good old Bloom's Taxonomy).
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