
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Looking through

Several years ago I visited a number of ancient ruins as part of a guided tour . There were many instances where my view was directed through openings that were once windows or doors. While I was looking back through history as I went from site to site, when I looked through these openings I had the feeling that I was looking from the past into the present.
These are very concrete examples of the passage of time, the theme I explore in much of my work. Others may have different reactions and I'm curious to hear what they might be.


  1. Very interesting points of view. The old thresholds, window frames speak of views of past residents?! I can't help but wonder what was thought about or seen or felt in those ancient times? Quite haunting to me.

  2. Oh, Margaret, absolutely. I can never pass up the opportunity for such a view, or for the reflections they bring... and sometimes I even remember to take pictures. I hope you don't mind if I add a few to yours here --

    A view from the 11th Century to modern sheep.A view from the 12th Century to high Wicklow heather.A view from the 11th Century to, well, the 11th Century.

  3. Sherwood, thanks for the links to the windows. I left a comment on the Wicklow heather which was my favourite. I liked them all but you always have a favourite. I am not set up on Flickr and should look into it.

  4. It is not hard to put yourself in the place and time of the earliest residents of these old structures. When I come across them, I find myself wondering what their lives were like, what they were thinking when gazing out these portals. Wonderful photos.

  5. I love old structures, ruins... they put me in mind of the past and I can almost feel the stories that might have happened with the people. It's a strange feeling, but really, if you think about it, everywhere has a past that our present is sitting upon. Great photos.


I welcome comments from you.