
Saturday, February 27, 2010

And the answers...

I am happy to report that I give full marks to both Don and Teresa for their astute viewing. Kathy is equally astute because she knows a keener when she sees one. As in any good assessment there has to be room for individual interpretation. #7 was the "room to maneuver question" and Teresa gave an excellent argument for her answer. Great job participants!

Hockey Organ by Graeme Patterson speaks on many levels and Teresa's commentary on the piece is extensive. She moved beyond my initial interactions with the work and caused me to return to the work and think about it again. I realized how little time I actually gave each piece and how superficial my interactions with the work actually was. There's no excuse for this except the hurried pace of live. How much do we miss using this excuse?

I heard Graeme Patterson speak about his work in St. John's last year when he was on a panel addressing the topic of Art in the Margins and he kept me attentive and wondering during the whole talk. Most of the time I couldn't get beyond "how does he come up with these ideas?" It is well worth looking at his website to broaden your context for the viewing of Hockey Organ.

Teresa says:
The Organ depends on a participant, now this one I find humorous, as in "hockey night in Canada" theme with the organ music thumped out. The initial viewing of the organ brought to mind a church organ which of course made me think about "what does the organ player think when playing. Then it got deeper. The organ as representing a religious belief plus a Canadian sport/business enterprise. The infiltration of Canada by religious orders to subdue the masses as a type of sport. Oh my mind really loves this one, on so many levels. It would be interesting to read others takes on these images.

I challenge you to look again at any one of these images and provide us with your response to it.


  1. Margaret - I'll accept no honors for my mental laziness, but I figured that copying Don was a good bet. The organ piece caught my eye more than any other. In an arena where organ music is played, it surround everyone and so it does in this particular work. Also, ice hocky is played and an organ is played, so there's a similarity. I'm guilty of not spending enough time considering all these works, but there is much to do in my life, so I must prioritize. However, it's always one of my priorities to visit your blog and read your insightful comments!

  2. Kathy,
    I know all about priorities these days. I always appreciate your visits and what you add to the conversation. I'm reading a great essay on the difference between looking and seeing art (my terms).

  3. Of course, in the last comment it should be looking at and seeing art.

  4. That organ is wonderful! To play the organ you need both hands and both feet and must surely make you feel more godlike than even a concert pianist... so to have an arena to dominate would compliment the feeling perfectly. An arena of gladiatorial mice would be even better... or, ahem, calming down for a moment, an ant farm.

    Not sure about the others pics though. The smoky bike made me think of the red arrows aerial display team. I'd like to see a bike with a blue smoke trail... but yep I know that wasn't the point.

  5. Mark,
    Interesting comments on the Hockey Organ. Everyone has their own take on aspects of it. When the reflections are all added together there certainly is depth in the connections. Funny about the smoking bike.... When I first saw it I was reminded of my brother, now a mechanic, who was always inventing. I know the artist is after something much more serious.

  6. I spent 1 hour reviewing the works and jotting notes as to my initial reaction. When I started answering the questions then all time broke loose and my thoughts churned. After 2 hours my mental gears were pushing smoke like the bike, lol. I found the exercise wholly enjoyable. As an artist its easy to become reclusive working alone in solitude, sometimes its good to really think about art rather than just view it. Exercises like your questions can spark deep and meaningful discourse so I thank you Margaret for inciting thought and reflection.


I welcome comments from you.