
Friday, June 4, 2010

Up close

Everyone has their own interests when taking photographs. I've never questioned what I am inspired to photograph or why I may be interested in a subject. I just shoot merrily and file images on the computer trusting that all will be revealed at a later date. Last night I was sorting shots from my last two trips. I wonder where these are leading me.

I see many similarities with a recent painting in the Reading a Garden exhibition called Web. I was hoping I would move away from obsessive detail. Hard to say but my attraction to these three images is immense.


  1. I can see why. Love those textures. I'm curious to see where that spark of inspiration will lead you.

  2. I can understand the attraction too.

  3. Beautiful and intricate textures! Go with what attracts you most. There's always a good reason.

  4. These are indeed inspirational shots Margaret. They are the reference that give your work so much interest, whether subdued or emphasized.

  5. Great shots, Margaret. I can see why you find them so intriguing... I can almost here the Siren song myself.

    I'm especially intrigued by that shadow that falls across the top photo. I tried really hard to decide what caused it... a fence? ...a chair? ...the photographer?

    Happy Creating!


  6. Don

    How astute you are. The shadow is me. I love to do that. It marks my presence in the shot.

  7. There is a book that will explain, in part, your attraction/obsession with nature's patterns.

    "The Power of Limits:Proportional Harmonies In Nature, Art, and Architecture" by Gyorgy Doczi


I welcome comments from you.