The weather cools and my thoughts turn to a more scheduled life. My extended stay at my summer house comes to an end every year in early September. There will be two more short visits there and then the doors close until April. The summer flew by. I created seven paintings in all , four for my new series which I'm getting ready to unveil, and three poppy paintings, two of which already sold in the Leyton Gallery summer show. The other one I'm saving for the Christmas show at the gallery.
This weekend my friend Carol and I are teaching a two day introductory encaustic workshop to 5 participants. Today is out set up time and tomorrow we refine out teaching topics. It will be a great weekend. We have a series of open studio days and intensive workshops planned throughout the fall. All are sponsored by R & F Homemade Paints. With our small population 5 participants in a workshop is a great number. Carol and I are planning an encaustic group blog that will highlight all things encaustic that happen in the area. as a result of our worshops and out own explorations in the medium.
I love the sound of the new blog! Can't wait!