
Monday, January 3, 2011

What will your new year bring?

I would love to say I'm all organized for a productive year in the studio, but nothing could be further from the truth.  I've been mostly thinking about getting organized for art and acting on the other half of my life - interior design.

 Since I decided to jump in feet first by starting my own business as am interior decorator, every productive and creative moment I have  is  spent on all the various must dos for this. Marketing is now taking up most of my time.  I spent quite a bit of time over Christmas working furiously to get content onto my new blog.   I'd forgotten how difficult it is to start out with a new blog and not have an audience that you can connect with.  When I write for my art blog I have the blogging friends I've made over the last two years in mind as my audience.  I know other people visit my art blog but they mass together as one for me. For decorating I seem to just write. Because I am using Designing Home blog to promote myself in my home town that's who I'm imagining as my readers.    Most of my visitors so far seem to be coming from a local blog roll which tells me I have local people lurking.  So where am I with art?

I went down to my studio the other day for paper and I had a fresh look at a painting I began last fall.  It is part of my new Re-presenting Series.  It isn't quite  finished yet as  I'm having trouble resolving the lower right corner and I can't seem to come up with a way to integrate the house a little more.  Perhaps that is because it doesn't need to be integrated (as my wise friend said).  Feel free to respond to it. It might get me back in the groove.

Untitled 16 x 16 in.  image transfer, paper, acrylic paint and mediums 


  1. You must be very excited about your new business, and I wish you great success! I know how much you love fabrics and textures, so this should be a labor of love.

    I'll have to think about your painting in the context of the series. It's hard to evaluate otherwise.

  2. I've been several times to your other blog, but must admit to being one of the "people lurking". Since interior design is not up my alley I've stayed quiet, but I really enjoy reading the enthusiasm you feel for it.

    As for "Untitled" I wonder if just toning down the black lines of the house would accomplish what you're after? Maybe lighten them up or soften them? Just thoughts. I agree with Kathy that it's hard to evaluate just one piece of a series without other pieces in the series available for context.


  3. Don,
    Your comments about eroding the dark lines follow some of my thoughts about the composition. I love the effects I created with the rest of the piece. I'm still thinking.

  4. I think, Great Ideas in your mind for Interior designing. You are come with in new business. Best of luck for starting new business.

    Interior paint


I welcome comments from you.