
Thursday, March 26, 2009

More yellow chairs

Yellow is becoming my new favourite colour. It's a far cry from my current love of gray. What could bring me to such a colour mood swing? It all began when I was working on one of my family history paintings posted several weeks ago. Then I saw van Gogh's famous yellow chair in an article about absence and presence as a theme in art, followed by Blue Sky Dreaming's painting which is an ode to van Gogh. I took this as a sign that I should explore yellow chairs a little more to see what was out there needing to be discovered. I've gone off on research forays for more trivia reasons than this. Join me on the yellow chair art journey. My findings were intriguing.

The Deco Detective has the most luscious yellow chairs in a range of styles. This design blog with an eco friendly mandate is a new find for me and one I will return to. Perfect bound is my favourite which is surprising given my need for clean, uncluttered lines in my home. I see it as an art piece, the pattern drove it over the top in the choice department.

Perfect Bound

Katy Elliott loves her chairs yellow too as she goes about renovating her newly purchased home. If you are wondering how prevalent yellow chairs are in furniture design, a Google Image search reveals that the design variations are mind blowing.

Moving away from furniture, I found Tales from the Yellow Chair which is "a live service design intervention". Anab Jain, an art student in London is exploring connections using technology as a lead in. I found this 8 minute video very fascinating on several levels. The isolation of big cities, how technology is changing our communication patterns, how we are skeptical about things we aren't familiar with, and much more came to mind as I watched it. The yellow chair is quite a calling card here. Get a cup of tea and have a look.

Not only van Gogh used the yellow chair as subject matter. Richard De Quattro placed a yellow chair in a very intriguing position.

Jeff Jensen's yellow chair is being eaten by six beetles while Lewis Miller uses a yellow chair to support his nude paintings. Then there's Gareth Lane's yellow chair that defies sitting and a yellow chair overlooking St. John's harbour thatis all about relaxing.

Not my cup of tea but Christie's price tells us they are pretty special if you are in a certain income bracket. I've named them "The Ends"


  1. Yellow chairs and post! Thank you for the link.

  2. I needed something sunny in my life. These chairs fit the bill.

  3. Interesting post that's full of intriguing links, Margaret! I'm not a "yellow" person but I could sure use some of that ebullient color in my life today!

    Thanks for a good read!

  4. Dear Margaret,
    Thank you for an insightful post, and thank you so much for including me in it - I appreciate it a lot!
    Have a lovely day!
    Best wishes,


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