
Saturday, March 28, 2009


I love the blog title of the newest member of my blog roll because it's what we do in blogland. Now I'm very honoured to be a topic of his SherWords. Sheerwood and I have both spent time staying (separately of course, since we both have spouses) at The Bothy, the cottage on Birr Castle Demense in Ireland. It was his phtotographs of the area that convinced me I wanted to stay there when we were exploring places to stay in central Ireland. The idea for my art project, "Reading a Garden", came after I had made the arrangements. I find that is how many ideas come about in art. One thing leads to another if your mind is receptive to possibilities and you are willing to cease the moment.

I am so excited we have found each other in blogland. I never cease to be amazed by how small the world really is and how my virtual community has extended since I started my blog.


  1. The water at The Bothy must have a cuteness formula in it. So lovely the world is made of like-minded folk who can be great friends despite the distance and having never met in person.

  2. Margaret, thank you for sharing the photos. So beautiful a place. . . I love the idea of having a "fernery", if a fernery is what I think it is. . .and those boxwoods are amazing.

  3. Yes a fernery is everything you might have imagined, Mary, and then some. It was shaded and damp, with dark trees, slippery mossy rocks, hobbit like bridges and many ferns. It gave one the feeling of other world-ness to the degree that I liked company when I walked there. It was hard to photograph because of the low light. I will check trough my photographs and see if I have any that give the right feeling. If so it would make a good post.

  4. Thank you, Margaret! It's a great pleasure to make your cyber-acquaintance!

    The fernery was (and is) one of our favourite places in the Demesne. The little island to which it adjoins, "Inis Dara," is a special little place, close to the formality of the Millennium Gardens and yet facing the ungroomed meadows by the Little Brosna. That's where we first encountered Lord Rosse, as he was trimming a shrub in the evening's twilight.

    Was there a little black-and-white cat about the Bothy when you were there?

  5. Sherwood,
    Indeed there was but it didn't appear until the second week of our stay. Maybe someone else was feeding it. Another couple was staying in the other cottage.

  6. Oh, good! And it's like her to not show up until the second week -- she seems to withhold her company until she's sure she's not wasting her time with a one-week tourist.

    If you ever go back and stay for a whole month, and if she's still around, she will become quite the persistent (and worthwhile) companion. Click here to see how she befriended us after the first fortnight.

  7. A happy synchrony, Margaret. What always amazes me is how, in spite of country, setting, and culture, we can be so alike (and yet each, so unique). The universals of the human condition are striking. Amazing how we can make these connections on the internet, which is at once impersonal and vast, but still has the capacity to bring us together.

    And I love meeting creative people like you!

    I didn't realize that "fernery" is a word!

  8. Ah, Lynda, "fernery" isn't just a word -- it's an adventure and a state of mind! ;-)


I welcome comments from you.