
Friday, February 4, 2011

Exhibition update

The jig is up as they say.  My time of painting when the mood hits me is a thing of the past. It's time to be committed if I'm going to meet the schedule of events that is coming up in my  professional art life this year. I will admit my painting energies are being somewhat consumed by my new business venture in interior decorating. Even that can't be used as an excuse any more. I'm in the studio again and it feels good.

 Leyton Gallery summer group show
I will participate in a group show scheduled for June at the Leyton Gallery in St. John's.  This is the gallery's  annual summer show and I've always participated in it since I joined the gallery.  The work I end up showing in this exhibition is usually smaller in scale and experimental.  I don't have to follow any theme and the opportunity allows me to break away from whatever series I'm working on for that year and go for it. I keep the scale of the work relatively small to appeal to the many visitors that find the gallery in the summer months.  Taking away or shipping smaller work is definitely preferable to larger works. Not that you could describe my work as large at the best of times.  This summer I feel sure the work I will submit will be encaustic because that is where all my creative energies seem to be going these days. 

 Fifth International Encaustic Conference
I'm so excited!  My fellow encaustic lover, friend, and team teacher, Carol Bajen-Gahm and I are going to attend the 5th International Encaustic Conference in June  at the Truro Center for Arts in Truro, MA. I'm wildly excited about this trip.  As part of the scheduled events there is a juried show called Beeline which I plan to enter.  I hope to create new work to submit, but if nothing exciting develops, I have several pieces I could use. The entry date is April 1. 

Solo Exhibition
In October this year I will have a solo exhibition at  St. Francis Xavier University Art Gallery in Antigonish, Nova Scotia.  This will be my first solo exhibition outside of Newfoundland. The effort I put into writing a proposal for this show paid off.  The exhibition, titled Remnants,  is a continuation of work I began in 2008.  I am continually adding new pieces to this series that is based on the traces that the passage of time leaves on interior and exterior landscapes.  I think about it as my wallpaper and objects series.  The three pieces I showed in an earlier post in January are examples of the new work and here's a selection from the beginning of the series.

 Wallpaper Sampler (2008) 14 z 18 in. mixed media on cradled panel

 Wallpaper and Toggle (2008) 14 x 24 in.  mixed medial on cradled panel

Wallpaper and Leg (2008) 14 x 24in.  mixed media on cradled panel


  1. Somehow, waiting for the jig to be up works. I know you'll be in the studio, creating, and loving it. These are beautiful works. An impressive lineup of shows.

  2. Wow, Margaret, you're on fire! How will you keep up with all this? I can feel your excitement and it's great that you have these wonderful opportunities. Congratulations!! If you pass through Maine on your way to/from Truro, get in touch with me. I'm moving into my home in Maine full time.

  3. Yay! You're back in the studio! I like all three pieces you shared here. I'm impressed with the toggle and the table leg. I love how you rendered them and the way they tie in with the rest of the work.

    Congrats on all the upcoming excitement. Good luck and have fun.



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