Now it is officially spring. I have to keep reminding myself that it does eventually arrive, usually in May! This is the scene outside my window. I concede that it is beautiful, sculptural etc. etc. but it is not spring!

This is spring .
An artist working in mixed media explores the successes, frustrations, questions, connections and inspirations for art making.
I was out in my garden the other day and was amazed by the tiny bursts of color finally showing through. The Vinca has small purple flowers, the peonies have brilliant red shoots coming up, and the spruce has in credible tiny reddis purple things all over the lower branches. The blueberries look like they are going to be heavy with fruit this summer and the rhodies are ready to burst. I even have one lone daffodil. This is my first spring in this house with the wonderful garden. I am looking forward to seeing everything as it unfolds. My yard looked like your two weeks ago. Hang in there. Spring will come soon, even in your neck of the woods.
Ah, this is beautiful...The colors are so bright. Here in India also, its spring time...Its a wonderful season. Hey, I have started a new blog dedicated to my sketch work — Art on Sketchbook
How beautifully delightful, your Spring trees. A treat to the eye and a warmth of joy to the heart...I'm so waiting for this fresh life. I know it's just around the corner from us, here in VT...just around the corner :o)
I should have added a descriptive line to my second photo. I wish it was taken in Newfoundland but alas, it is Central Park in New York in April 2006. We do have lovely flowering trees in May.
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