As the earth wakes up with its smell of new growth, the sound of birds and the ever present sun , we are draw silently toward our summer house in Duntara.

This winter we've had some dandy storms with high winds, but our spot has endured eight years of such weather and nothing has marred it yet. The positive of such high winds will be the fantastic beach combing opportunities. More on this later I'm sure.
I will be away from blogging until Thursday. Right now I'm looking forward to a break. My pieces for the show are almost finished, but it is taking longer than expected. I didn't count on being sick for a week and a half. I've decided to take along two to work on and I'm also delighted that my bet critiquing buddy is back in town and ready to come for a visit.
Each spring The Leyton Gallery of Fine Art, the gallery that represents my work in St. John's, holds a special exhibition titled " Guests of the Gallery" which profiles various artists who are new to the gallery but not represented by it at the time of showing. In 2007 this exhibition was my first opportunity to show my work in a commercial fine art gallery. The opportunity was an important one for me because I had to do all the things I had read that professional artists do as they get ready for a show both mentally and creatively. Guests of the Gallery 2010 is now posted on the Leyton Gallery website. There's an interesting mix of artists and work ranging from sculpture to collage and phototransfer. While I am familiar with the work of some of these artists, most are new to me. When you live in a small city it is much easier to keep tabs on who is creating what kind of work and who is new to the scene.
Which artist/work speaks to you and your interests?
I think that the work all looks the same. I can't say I liked any that much but I could live with the benches which are at least nearly pretty, and would make a difference from a normal bench in a public space.
Getting out into the gardens to see what survived, what's blooming, taking photos of the small beauties and then relaxing on the deck with my twin daughters who love the sun even more than I do -- that's my spring ritual! Congratulations on your show and enjoy your break!!!
Spring is an important time for me. Like you, I open my other home (in Maine) and get the gardens ready for the summer. The urge is strong to do this every year. The view from your home is wonderful and so welcoming!
Enjoy your first days of spring at your home away from home...the view is beautiful.
What beautiful scenery to enjoy! Happy Spring! I would love to experience the beach combing joys that are on your horizon.
Oh what a glorious view. I can picture myself sitting in that same spot sipping a hot cuppa after a long walk scouring the beach for pebbles.
Hope you are feeling 100% better Margaret.
You have a beautiful view at the summer house. Summer is catching me by surprise. Perhaps I need to invent a ritual too.
Our gallery also features guest artists. They're an emerging gallery, and they've been able to "discover" many artists this way.
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