I've had great fun discovering the personality secrets of all my readers who left me their birthdays in the last post. I'll be interested in hearing how well your florascope matches the real you. Thanks for participating in this little bit of flower fun.
Sunflower ( my painting from 2009)
Margie -- August 12

Friendly sunflowers are kind and loyal . They like centre stage and deprived of adoration, they wither. When nurtured, sunflowers light up the neighbourhood. Their good looks and love of laughter attracts many admirers. Sex appeal is strong. Throughout life this fun lover stays in touch with the inner child, enjoying games, sports, and taking risks.
Money.. Can fritter it away on luxury items
Health.. strong but can be prone to viruses if deprived of affection
Love.. romantic , radiant, unrestrained
Career.. talk show host, gourmet cook, teacher, children's writer, editor, lawyer
Spirit.. finds spirituality in nature
Famous sunflowersJulia Child, Madonna, Martha Stewart, Mick Jagger
Dustin Hoffman, Napoleon, Jacqueline Kennedy
Cactus FlowerMary Ann-- October 25
Don-- November 19

The cactus flower personality is a transformer. A cactus flower gathers secrets and usually keeps them quiet. Their occasional thorny personality covers up personal fretting. Their dedication to doing a good job sees them working long after others have given up. Enthusiastic and unshockable in matters relating to the bedroom, cactus flowers are rumoured to be as hot a noon in Texas.
Money-- keeps a secret stash
Health-- dislikes extremes in temperature, may have abdominal problems
Love -- passionate and intense
Career-- archaeologist, private investigator, psychiatrist, surgeon, racing driver
Spirit-- drawn to the mysterious aspects of religion
Famous Cactus FlowersHilary Clinton, Bill Gates, Jodie Foster
Joni Mitchell, Monet, Andy Warhol, Christopher Columbus
Bird of ParadiseMark-- December 14 (also my daughter's birthday)

Bird of Paradise personalities are optimistic, open and generous, encouraging others to show how special they are. They reach for the heavens pondering spiritual and philosophical matters, but are never boring in their pursuits. Their attraction to risk sees them bungy jumping, sky diving and pursing other risky sports. They love collecting ideas, going to parties and flirting.
Money.. natural gamblers, big spenders
Health.. hardy and energetic, may suffer joint problems and are prone to accidents
Love.. Sensual, honest, adventurous
Career.. test pilot, vet, cartoonist, movie director, ski instructor
Spirit.. seriously committed to spiritual growth
Magnolia (a section of one of my postcard paintings)
Roxanne-- May 14

The Magnolia personality is willing to wait for the best. They are careful, long term thinkers who recognize quality. The rich comforts of home appeal to them most, e.g., a luxurious bed. Being uprooted/transplanted to new surroundings causes stress. Magnolia personalities appreciate all things sensual, from art galleries to aromatherapy massages. This unruffled personality seldom resorts to anger.
Money.. shrewd investor
Health.. uncomplaining, delicate throat may be vulnerable to infection
Love.. committed, physical, revels in pampering
Career.. botanist, stock trader, doctor, architect, singer
Spirit.. nature worship appeals
Famous Magnolias
Tony Blair, Cher, Salvador Dali,
Karl Marx, Willie Nelson, Barbra Streisand
William Shakespeare, Ella Fitzgerald
I adore your sunflower, so happy and so sweet, I'd love to see it in person. I would like to receive a card just like that. Hugs! T-
Hi Margaret
Oh, your sunflower is so beautiful and one of my most favorite flowers!
It's quite interesting about my florascope as it's a pretty good match!
I was a teacher and nature is defintely a place where I find spirituality!
I have been known to fritter money away at times on luxury items!
I am also always in touch with my inner child!
I also have a very romantic nature!
Also kind and loyal!
This was such a treat for me!
Thank you so much!
I loved it!
I liked being in the company of those famous sunflowers!
All of your flowers are just beautiful and I so enjoyed reading all the other florascopes!
Dear Margaret,
Like many others, I like the sunflower and the various variety, especially from South America, while your painting certainly has captured its beauty, similar to that of Van Gough's sunflowers.
Now I was getting curious as to what flower my birthday was, which is June-July, the ocean crab.
Thank you for sharing and I wish you all the best,
Wow! I was close when I guessed I'd be a Prickly Pear. :-D
I'm afraid I don't match a lot of the criteria here. I do tranform, but usually on a full moon. My secrets vault has an easy combination. My personality is more fuzzy soft than prickly - but it does cover personal fretting. I am dedicated to hard work and long hours - as long as it's fun. My bedroom door will stay closed...
Money-- I wish!
Health-- Don't mind extreme hot, Hate extreme cold, no tummy troubles
Love-- Nunya
Career-- Art Director
Spirit-- Right on
But, it was still fun...
And... I got to see your wonderful Sunflower and Magnolia paintings. I especially like the composition and color choices on the sunflower.
I'm a magnolia. Some match. Other qualities don't. Your sunflower is so lovely!
I love your sunflower painting! It has so much personality.
It appears I fall in the Bird of Paradise realm, but it doesn't fit me completely. Bungie jumping has never appealed to me, and I am not a party girl.
Your paintings of the sunflower and the magnolia are wonderful. Two of my favorite flowers.
I'm joining with the others...the sunflower is magnificent! So I'm a cactus flower? I am a match for sure...I like to discover secrets, easily become archaeologist,match in money, personality, passion, work ethic, spirit and preferred weather...I live at the beach in CA....and I'm on the strange side. This was fun...thank you Margaret!
I am going to assume I am the bird of paradise because my b-day is in Dec. but the only match is the joint problems-- otherwise I am safe and risk free on the ground.
The sunflower is very vibrant and full of sensuous curves. Great piece. Your idea for florascopes is very intriguing and in keeping with your garden series.
Thanks for all the responses to the post and your willing participation in a bit of fun. My purpose was just that, nothing serious. I'm afraid I don't put much faith in astrology nor other types of prediction.
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