I'm still lost in the many worlds of wallpaper and working through the wrinkles in my latest series which isn't ready for public viewing yet. Many artists have used wallpaper in different ways in their work. When I start new work one of the first things I do is explore work is similar to what I'm producing. I always explore after my own idea is firmly entrenched to ensure I am keeping as true to my own vision as possible. I'm always awed by the versatility among the works created by artists that use similar motifs. Here are some of my new finds.
The human body is also the subject of artist oil painter Carlo Galfione's work, he uses wallpaper and fabrics as motifs to overlay on his subject's faces. He is fascinated by the stereotypes of the fashion system, the rituals, expectations and desires that surround this world. My take on his work is an exploration of the the outer face we all put on to fit in to our immediate world. Galfione calls it the "the habitat aesthetic" which best represents us. Adherence to fashion dictates moves an individual into a group membership . "His work represents a sampling of possible aesthetic approvals..."

Australian artist Emma Hack shies away from conventional painting supports and uses the human body as her canvas. The bodies she so intricately paints become part of the pattern she is using. See more of her work here .

And then there's Laura Splan who paints in blood in her Wallpaper/Samples. The blood follows the pattern in real wallpaper samples. Her work explores the "fluctuating experiences that an image can evoke". We are jarred by the opposition between a homey, familiar wallpaper pattern and the viseral material used to create the design.
Of course there are many more artists using wallpaper as an impetus for their work and future posts will examine their work. Can you add to my list?
I can't add any, Margaret, but you found three really interesting artists.
When I first saw the Kalashnikov painting, I thought it was a portrait of the Russian who was poisoned a few years ago--had to Google.
"I always explore after my own idea is firmly entrenched to ensure I am keeping as true to my own vision as possible."
I like that Margaret. That's why I don't often post my paintings until they are completed.
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